

Introduction to Photography Tips | Intro to Photography 2 Workshop April 2013

Welcome to our first Introduction to Photography Tips 2 blog post! Our intro 1 class is designed for beginners. Teaching everything you need to know about manual mode on your camera. However, that’s a lot of overwhelming information in one workshop! So we designed the Intro Photography 2 Workshop! Intro 2 emphasizes the importance of great lighting! Continue reading for some great Introduction to Photography Tips~

Consider models laying on the ground for catching light in the eyes, bringing the subject to life. This is the lovely Leah Monet. She started modeling with us two years ago! She’s getting into the film industry, but always remembers where she starts, and comes back to model with us every now and then! We love you Leah!

Leah Monet Johnson Introduction to Photography Tips

For the next image, we taught everyone the secret of silhouettes! This next shot is nice though, it’s not so metered for the sky that Leah is a complete silhouette. We stopped down to get some more detailed information in her beautiful flowing dress!  When trying for unique images, don’t forget to change where you’re standing! In fact, get down low! We were on the grass, shooting up towards Leah and the sky for this shot! introduction to photography tips

As you move from setting to setting, it’s super important to check your white balance. Remember the white balance can drastically change the temperature of the photography. Below, by setting your white balance to cloudy, even if it’s still sunny, you get a much warmer picture. Changing the temperature, changes the mood. Introduction to Photography Tips Lighting Leah Monetintroduction to photography tips

One of Mike’s favorite lighting techniques is back lighting. It creates a stunning lighting and glowing of the hair. But you’ll notice as you turn your subject to be back lit, taking a photograph of the front becomes very dull. This is where our best friend reflector comes in. By bouncing the sun off the reflector and into the subject, you have an all-natural light image, no need for flash. You want to get light on the front of the subject, especially in the eyes;  remembering that light in the eyes creates life!

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